falling-sky attributions

falling-sky is the open source version of byrpt.bangboo.xyz. You can find more about the source, bug tracking, etc there.

This site would not exist without the following components and resources.

"The Apache Modules Book: Application Development with Apache"

by Nick Kew; published by Prentice Hall, January 27 2007.
Provided a starting point for mod_ip.

The Apache APR library

apr_strtok borrowed for use inside mod_ip.

Knob Buttons Toolbar icons

by ~iTweek;

jquery-1.4.2.js - jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2

Copyright 2010, John Resig
License: MIT or GPL2; portions MIT, BSD
Includes Sizzle.js
Copyright 2010, The Dojo Foundation
License: MIT, BSD, GPL

jquery.jsonp-2.0.2.js - jQuery JSONP Core Plugin 2.0.2 (2010-05-21)

Copyright (c) 2010 Julian Aubourg
License: MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

jquery.tablesorter.js - TableSorter 2.0 - Client-side table sorting with ease!

Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach
Dual license MIT, GPL

mootools-1.2.4-core.js - Used for browser feature testing (to detect IE)

http://mootools.net Copyright (c) 2006-2008 [Valerio Proietti](http://mad4milk.net/).
license: MIT-style license.
authors: The MooTools production team




Auth: Jakub Steiner, w:Tango Desktop Project authors.
Permission: CCPL-Attribution-ShareAlike-2.5
Original source: src

Copyright (C) 2010, 2024 Jason Fesler. All rights reserved. Version 1.1.1004 (77ede4e)
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This is a mirror of byrpt.bangboo.xyz. The views expressed here may or may not reflect the views of the mirror owner.